Cloud Native Geospatial


9 – 10:30 a.m., Oct. 11, 2023


The future of geographic information systems (GIS) and geoinformatics is in the cloud. Geospatial data are some of the largest and most important data produced today. Working with the massive volume of GIS data that are now hosted on commercial cloud requires GIS specialists and researchers to take a cloud-native approach to working with their data.

Geospatial data formats are evolving toward being completely cloud-native, meaning that they can be instantly searched, queried, and analyzed on the cloud using cyberGIS without the expectation that they be downloaded to a local workstation or laptop for analysis. There is already a growing ecosystem of software applications for working with these data which are open-source and open-access.

This technical session will focus on working with and creating analysis ready data that are cloud native. These include: Cloud Optimized GeoTiffs (COGs), Cloud Optimized Point Clouds (COPC), Xarray, and GeoJSON data formats. We will also cover catalog indexing using Spatio-Temporal Asset Catalogs (STAC) and their associated Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) which make these catalogs searchable and accessible.

Key Takeaways

  • Using remote sensing and GIS data from around Arizona, attendees will learn the concepts behind cloud-native geospatial formats and learn to create, manipulate, and work with them.
  • Attendees will learn about open-access geospatial data and how SpatioTemporal Asset Catalogs (STAC) can facilitate data discovery and sharing. We will also cover how to query and search STAC and their associated API.
  • Attendees will learn how cloud platforms such as Cyverse can be used to process, store, and share geospatial data with colleagues, collaborators, and the general public.


Jeffrey Gillan, Ph.D