Intro to Essential Tools for Every Bioinformatician

Series: Exploring Tools for Data Analysis and AI Applications in Biosciences and Genomics


3 – 4 p.m., Sept. 10, 2024

Bioscience analyses (DNA and RNA-sequence analysis) often rely on Command Line software. This workshop covers essential tools every bioinformatician should know to make their analyses run smoothly, like BLAST, SAMtools, and FastQC/MultiQC, as well as aligners such as STAR, TopHat, Bowtie2, BWA, and HISAT2. You’ll also gain insights into GATK for variant calling and BUSCO for assessing genome completeness. 


SERIES: Exploring Tools for Data Analysis and AI Applications in Biosciences and Genomics

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When:  Tuesdays, 3-4 pm, Sept. 3 - Oct. 29, 2024
WhereWeaver Science-Engineering Library, Rm 212 and on Zoom 
Instructor: Michele Cosi  and Carlos Lizárraga
YouTube: Links will be added after the workshops have been presented.

Workshop Materials

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Michele Cosi