Reproducible Research Compendium with GitHub and R


2:30 – 4 p.m., Jan. 25, 2023

The call for openness in science addresses the reproducibility crisis and promotes equity and collaboration. Enter the research compendium which provides a standard and easily recognizable way for organizing the digital materials of a project to enable others to inspect, reproduce, and extend the research.
In this workshop we will create a template research compendium that you can use for your own research project (text, data, code) utilizing the rrtools in R and GitHub.
   1. Configure git in RStudio so that your compendium will be connected to GitHub
   2. Use rrtools to create a skeleton for your research compendium
   3. Update a description, analysis, and README file to customize your research compendium
Must have a GitHub account and working (up-to-date) R/RStudio.

This workshop is considered intermediate/advanced level.

Workshop Zoom link

Register to attend the workshop


Greg Chism